It's the Easter break. Everyone keep asking how long I'm on holiday, "well, I'm not in lectures for 3 weeks, does that count as a holiday?" Apparently the word "holiday" doesn't mean anything for a University student.
Christmas is filled with revision for the exams to come in January, Easter is filled with revision, and summer is for this year only, packed full (hopefully) with meeting participants and filling up my lovely new Oxford notepad with observations and notes.
Yep, it's that part of my university career; the dissertation. It's rearing it's big, expectant head, waiting to be fed no doubt many hours of sweat, blood (let's hope not), and most definitely; tears.
So in answer to your earlier question: "How long are you on holiday for?"
Er, the weekends? Same as usual, I still have two assignments, each worth 60% of a module, my dissertation proposal to write up, and a presentation to prepare for.
And that's just the compulsory stuff; I've been burrowing through the realms of Google and finding potential sources of participants for my study, logging it all. I've also been looking at graduate schemes for next summer, when I finish my undergraduate degree, as I've resigned to the fact that postgraduate is much to expensive. Therefore, I've been looking for graduate schemes where some lovely person will take me and love me and train me... Please? No, there's nothing for what I want to do. Of course, if you're doing accountancy, business or management you're sorted. But don't those people need other people to actually do a vocational career for them to be employed by me to sort out my accounts, and have staff of whom need to be managed?
Oh well, worry not. The work is paying off.
Back to work I must go.
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