Saturday, 12 November 2011

5 a-day

Following the Health guide lines of eating 5 portions of fruit or vegetables a day, I went on a shopping spree in Morrisons.
I bought:
red peppers,
2x bags of Rocket, Spinach and Red Chard lettuce,
Sugar snap peas,
Green beans,
Stir-fry box,
Sweet potatoes,
Sweet corn,

and a few essentials such as:

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Idris the Dragon, Jones the Steam

Trains. Some people love them, some people hate them; hate the public transport system, the over pricing and the service: we all know British trains are ALWAYS late.
But are they all that horrible?

Over the last few weeks, I have racked up over 9 hours of rail time, and loved every second of it.
Not a single train was late.
And I got super cheap prices too!

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Real Winter Breakfast

Good morning all,
I am currently tucked up on my bed with cushions and blankets all around to keep the warmth of the night in.

I have just finished my very delicious breakfast of real porridge:

3/4's cup of Traditionally Rolled Oats (Scotts Oats are my favourite),
1 cup of milk,

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Crazy Things At Uni

 Reverting back to my studenty side, last weekend my boyfriend and I decided to make vodka gummy bears after a recipe I'd seen online recently (see below).

We bought a bag of Haribo Gold Bears and the Smirnoff that was on special offer.

  • Empty bag of bears into bowl.
  • Pour vodka over to completely submerge them.
  • Leave for about 24 hours, until all the liquid is gone.
The bears will puff up and some may be a bit harder than normal in the middle, but they are great.
WARNING: They will disappear very quickly! (And you'll be drunk but that doesn't really matter!)